

Heartbreak and Healing Journeys.

Everyone talks about letting go and releasing people…

but no one ever talks about the deep grief that comes with that decision knowing that it’s not what you ever wanted but what was necessary for your entire being. No one talks about how you have to wrestle with yourself every moment of every day so much that you’re too drained to function and all you want to be is in a dimly lit room curled up in the corner in fetal position. I’ve been through my share, but I never knew this kind of pain could even exist.

In The Beginning

When I first started #wordsbyjules both on Instagram and this personal blog in 2015, it was really meant just to be a space to process and take steps towards healing. I felt like my world was crashing and I was drowning, so I started to write (or at least more so in a public kind of way). I wasn’t going for eloquent or pretty, I was going for real. I was going for honest. And as I started to write, each post was like little pockets of air bubbles that gave me a little more strength and eventually helped me swim back up above the water.