Parkland is one of my most favorite brands to shoot for, not only because they have great backpacks, but also because they have an amazing team to work with. They asked me to pick a “hidden within” spot for this particular shoot/feature. This location had to be one, which, I love spend time at. Without hesitation, I brought some friends, some Sprinkles cupcakes, jumped into my car and naturally headed towards the ocean to a smaller beach called Corona Del Mar here in Southern California. Corona Del Mar holds a special nostalgic place in my heart. It’s small and quieter than most beaches on the Pacific Coast (which is why I love it), but growing up, it was the default beach for all sorts of gatherings—birthday celebrations, weekend beach days, and random late night bonfires. When I attended college just five miles away, it became the place for friendship hangs but it was also the place I escaped to when I just needed to breathe, away from textbooks and papers. Now, I’ll choose to drive 40 miles by myself just to sit in its sand leaned up against some creviced reef, watching the waves reflect the sun’s rays as it slowly sets. This beach was, and is, still very much an escape for me in many aspects. Every tip to Corona Del Mar requires packing a Sprinkles cupcake. You think I’m joking, but I’m not. It is essential for me to stop by the store and bring it to the beach with me. I can forget my phone, but I cannot forget a cupcake.