Grammer + Grammy’s

The not so fun fact about the music industry: Grammy’s weekend is everything hectic. The more fun fact:
Abraham Osorio: Artist Extaordinaire

Two years ago, Abraham was the drummer for one of my music artists. We went on tour in the Mediterranean and got to experience so many different countries and cultures together.
Hotels Throw Parties Too

Ever been to a conference that teaches people how to throw their own conferences? Yeah, I’ve never been to one either. But the Marriott sure knows how to put together a green room with amazingly attentive staff. Also, endless free wine. Oh, also, there was music.
Kickin’ It with EMAN

Here are a few of my favorite things: music + photo, friendship + caffeine, laughs + conversations. Luckily, all that happened during this music session with my buddy Emmanuel “EMAN” Cervantes.
Kate + Jess = Kayjez

It’s pronounced like “cages.” There are so many things I could say about these two, that I don’t even know where to begin. But I promise that if you are in the same room with both of them at the same time, you’ll probably get a decent abs workout just by laughing at all the ridiculous things that come out of their mouths.
Zach Rudulph: Bassist, Music Director

I get to meet a lot of humans in this life. But once in awhile, I have the privilege of meeting phenomenal ones who, like myself, believe that good things come from teamwork.